Sunday, August 30, 2020

8 - 30 - 20  A beautiful, sunny day with temperatures in the high 70's with a strong breeze from the west.  Plenty of people on the beach during the day and into the early evening, along with lots walking the boardwalk, all very crowded.  Some with masks and some not concerned about wearing a mask.  Do be safe, protect yourself and others, Mask Up.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

8 - 29 - 20  Rain this morning and humid.  Stopped in the afternoon, where people came out to take a walk on the boardwalk.  Saw some people on the beach and a few in the ocean.  There were employees from MTV on the boardwalk, giving out face masks and ice pops to promote the MTV Awards for tomorrow nite.  They will be on the boardwalk tomorrow to give out more masks and you'll  have a comfortable one to wear that is washable.  Here's some pixs of those with their decorative masks and doing social distancing.