Thursday, April 30, 2020

4 - 30 - 20 Windy, windy day, especially near the ocean, too windy to visit.  Snapped pix of dog walker and Hero Lives Here sign in an apartment window.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

4 - 29 - 20  Another gray day, cool day, especially on the beach where I snapped a few pixs, along with discarded masks along the way.  Still, not good to see.  Snapped pix of gal cutting the hair of her friend on her porch on Third Avenue.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

4 - 28 - 20  Sunny day,wind off the ocean and a beach day for lots of people who did not have to do some work from home today.  Walked to the beach to soak up some Vitamin D and sunshine.  Snapped people walking to the entrance, sitting on the beach and sunning.  Lots with masks on, which was good to see. 

Monday, April 27, 2020

4 - 27 - 20  Another gray, windy, chilly day in AP.   Walked to Frank's on Main St. to pick up rye bread and some bagels, snapped pixs of two employees.  Afternoon did a walk to the 3rd Avenue
beach where I snapped pixs of the empty restaurants and empty seating areas.  A discarded, blue rubber glove was left in the sand.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

4 - 26 - 20  Rainy, gray day after a beautiful Saturday.  Hope it is nearing the end of the rainy days in April.  Did an errand walk to Walgreens, walked over the Sunset Lake bridge, snapped a few scenic pixs along with the cashier at Walgreens and an employee.  Snapped pixs of discarded rubber gloves and mask, along my walk.  Not a good sight to see.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

4 - 25 - 20  Sunny, 60's temps, lots of people outside to walk, bike and get to the beach to relax, sit, fly kits, walks their dogs.  Snapped pixs of those on the beach, going to the beach, along with a discarded blue rubber glove and a face mask in the street.